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Medics view to roles of social workers in a team of rehabilitation specialists


The specificity of rehabilitation agencies is the complexity of social and health problems. To solve those multiple problems a command is needed. Social workers should be one of important members in such command. They should act in different professional and command roles as none of them alone can effectively solve the problems they are working with. We can find different command roles in literature that are: shaper, implementer, completer, coordinator, team-worker, resource investigator, evaluator, plant. Professional social workers roles are: communicating worker, agent, protector, estimator, teacher, changing behaviour, mobilizer, consultant, community worker, service provider, record keeper, administrator. The aim of an article is to analyze the roles of social workers in medical rehabilitation agency from the point of view of medics. To fulfil the aim a research was held in X rehabilitation agency. 64 medics participated in the research. Data has shown that medics emphasize social workers professional role of consultant. His participation in the command is not very clear, he is often not incorporated into command and usually works individually. Respondents do not think that social worker is an equal member in a command, but they think it should be. Only one social worker works in X rehabilitation agency. This fact does not let social worker to fully unclose and equally participate in the command.


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