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Adoptive parents needs for social assistance


Authors' analyses adoptive parents needs for social assistance, using adoptive parents experience through qualitative method. Five adoptive couples and one single adoptive mother was interviewed. According the reaseach data, adoption is a process of continuity with a lot of feelings: shame, guilt, blame, anger and pain, some times helpless and hoples. These feelings are always in crises situation. There are four stages of adoption process: decission making, preparation for adoption, adaptation and growing adoptive children. For decision making of adoption motivation is very important. Infertile couples should be solved their infertile crises. If they have un real expectations toward adoptive child, they easy could be faile. The preparation stage is very important for growing motivation and real decision making, but the most important stages of the process ar family- child adaptation and growing adoptive child. The problems of child deprivation and age, the capability parents for parenting and community support are very important at these stages. Adoptive parents needs for social assistance, including teaching, training, counselling, information giving and community support programs.


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