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Organizations in social work field practice as open and learning organization


Social work field practice in integrated part of social work education in universities. During social work field practice students develop their professional social work skills, unique practical knowledge, reflect practical situations, and integrate their theoretical knowledge by working individually with clients in a particular organization. These organizations (governmental and non-governmental social service organizations) play an important role in this learning process, because they can be characterized as a context for the formation of professional identity and a learning environment. The formation of learning environment in organizations could be described as becoming a learning organization. The conception and characteristics of learning organization are discussed in this article in order to show, how organization, which participate in social work practice field could be recognize as learning organizations. It is assumed, that these social service organizations are learning organization, because they are open and flexible, and collaborate with the university for ten or more years in organizing social work field practice. The mentors and other social workers (or managers of organizations) participate in continuing training programs, which are organized by university; also reflection of good practice and researches done by mentors (individually or by contribution) could be characterized as development of competencies.


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