Socialinis darbas

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Becoming a social risk family: a woman’s perspective


Quickly changing economical and social situation in the Republic of Lithuania makes a huge impact on the family institution. Recently, our society started paying more and more attention to the social risk families and their children. The status of such families in the society and the interrelations between the family members precondition the behavioral, emotional and study problems of the children growing up in these families, their self-isolation and the repulse of peers as well as lack of the social skills. Therefore, the help of the surrounding people and the social workers is very important for the families undergoing crises. This support can help the families not to become the social risk families. Taking into consideration the fact that social risk families are usually lonely mothers with children or mothers and fathers who are not married and change partners, this article analyses women’s experiences and life events which might have had influence on their current life.
The aim of the article is to reveal how families become social risk families from the perspective of the women. The qualitative method of the research was chosen. Unstructured interview was used in the research and theme analysis was used to analyze the obtained data.
Eight women, aged 32-39, from social risk families took part in the research. Interviews were conducted in the homes of the research participants. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Main categories and subcategories were separated.
The research results revealed that women had painful experiences in their childhood: they went through the lack of love and security, their primary physiological needs were not met, the emotional ties were inadequate, they were under constant stress, their social environment was unstable, they lived in fear of the manifestations of violence and anger exhibited by their drinking parents, some of them lost parents and went through the bereavement process, they were separated from their families and learned the feeling of helplessness. All these factors and the unsatisfied need of support in difficult life situations had influence on the further physical and emotional development of their personalities and creation of their future life model. The childhood experience of the women, who took part in the research, hada great impact on the self-isolation of the social risk families, refusal and ignorance of the help offered.


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