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Supervision experience of social workers providing support to victims of human trafficking


This article analyses supervision experience of social workers providing support to victims of trafficking in people. The article reveals the complexity of the problem of social work while providing support to victims of trafficking in people. The topicality of supervision as consulting on professional relations service in social work practice is based on the analysis of scientific literature. The qualitative research performed in 2007-2008 while implementing the pilot Project of Northern Baltic countries is presented here. Experiential material of this research applying structured interview method was received from 24 social workers that had participated in individual supervisions. Research results revealed interactional relation between a social worker, his client and social work conditions. Respondents highlighted inadequate public attitude on social assistance to victims of human trafficking, which complicates the process of client empowerment, determines insularity and dissociation of victims of trafficking in a help process. Research results revealed experience of supervised on implementation of supervision functions and tasks. It is possible to generalise that supervision induces to search of new work forms, to realise and reveal tensions between personal and professional experience.


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