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Conditions and trends of reintegration of former convicts


What are factors of social integration and employment of former convicts? How these factors a evaluated by employers, correction inspectorates and specialists (psychologists, consultants), the former convicts themselves, their close people and random citizens? Which factors are considered as more efficient and which are considered as less efficient? What are the main trends and assumptions of employment and social integration of former convicts? Which means may help to the participants of social integration to understand the reality, new opportunities of the idea of empowerment, to develop new initiatives? These research questions are analysed in this article. The research revealed the trends of social reintegration of former convicts, the potential initiatives and activities seeking for successful social integration of former convicts. The written survey was performed (N=260). Employers, former convicts, close people of a former convict, specialists consultants, the specialists of correction inspectorate was questioned. The 9 factors of employment
and social integration and the indicators of their contents were analyzed: Family support to former convicts; Training/learning of general and vocational skills of former convicts; Motivation, efforts to integrate of former convicts; Dialogue of all participants; Information of all participants; Involvement of employers; Self-confidence of a former convict; Confidence in a former convict; Self-assistance and self-organisation of former convicts and their families, close people.. The research revealed the trends of social reintegration of former convicts: to prepare the projects of reintegration, to involve on an equality former convicts to preparation of the projects; to develop establishment and expansion of the non-governmental organisations of former convicts, to develop education of general and professional competencies of former convicts; to develop the network of information and consultation.


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