Professional rehabilitation of disabled people. The organization of services for people with disabilities and establishment of social enterprises
Every country must avow that people with disabilities have privilege to use human rights specially in work field. It doesn’t matter where they live in village or in town, people with disabilities must have equal rights to get good well paid job. The main human’s material welfare guarantee is right to work and to get normal salary. Other guarantees are money, social support to compensate incomes which disabled person loses.
Still trade market determines that particular social groups can not compete to get a better job or to create own business, that’s why most of European Union countries have to take social responsibility to solve disabled people problems to get a job. One of unemployment solution and one of country’s social responsibility’s implementation social enterprise incentive establishment.
In 2003 was made the research about social integration problems for disabled people from childhood. This research showed that young disabled people from childhood make a group of people with complex disabilities and they are not enough independent. This people have need for self-expression, perfection and work. During the research transpared that social services that are given in ambulatory instutions allmost suits to the respondents needs, but this system is still undersell developed in Lithuania.
Mostly disabled young people are left at home between „ four walls“ or placed in nursing houses, they don‘t have any real oportunities to realize themselves and to be integrated into the society, so hapends becauso of objective and subjective reasons, which arous because of this category young peole group‘s specific social needs absence of appeasement chance.