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Complexity of students‘ adaptation in an organization in the context of practice process


Social work mainly concentrates into area beween person and evironment, which is complex, individual, which requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills and knowledge. During practice placement students are developing their social work skills, abilities to base practical situations theoretically, and thus created conditions for integration of theoretical and practical knowledge. In the process of practice placement students as future social work professionals are developing ability to recognise responsabilities and roles of social work in the setting of social services. First months in the practice placement are crucial for students, they experience process of adaptation in organization, constructs their identity social work as their future profession. During those processes students needs guidance and reflection of their experience. In this article there is presented qualitative research, where is analysed experience of social work students during first months field placement. The interaction between social work student and tutor is emhasized during first months in practice placement. The aim of adaptation in the agency is to adapt to conditions of agency and get over to the stabile operating, which would be usefull for student and agency. Student is experiencing two papralel processes: the adaptation in the agency and formation identity as future professional social worker.


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