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The analysis of men’s experience of women violence


This article focuses on a hidden and rarely discussed present-day phenomenon – women violence against men, which is analyzed on the aspects of men experience. Women violence against men is hidden under the stereotypical roles attributed to each sex and under the feeling of embarrassment felt by men as well as fear of being neglected by the members of society if talking out loud about the relevant issue.
The experience of men having suffered women violence is exposed via a qualitative research by combining content analysis and open coding of grounded theory. With the help of content analysis men experience was revealed through categories while grounded theory allowed name them by the words uttered by men. Five men having experienced women violence were questioned by a semi – structured interview.
As a result of the analysis, it turned out that men describe women violence as a sensitive and unwillingly publicized detail of their lives. Men tend to minimize women violence by not attaching significance thereto despite of the fact that it has caused them negative feelings. Thosemen, who have experienced physical, psychological and sexual violence on behalf of women,
perceive it as the consequence of women’s desire to dominate in inter-relations, resulting in the expression of disability and negative emotions as well as striving to protect one selves against the unpleasing man’s behavior. Due to the hegemonic norms of manhood, existing within the society, but failed to accomplish by men, divorce and decreased men’s self-esteem are the main consequences of women violence, that have influence on further life of men. Nonviolent possibilities for solving conflicts and couple issues are associated with greater tolerance towards each other and the development of help services for men, bearing in mind that violence generally is the problem of a human being not only a problem of a certain sex.


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