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Social worker’s and client’s relationship in the nongovernmental organization providing the social support to the individuals returning from the imprisonment institutions


In this article the nongovernmental organization is named as the closest environment to the individual returning from imprisonment institution and this environment helps them to integrate into the society.
In social work most of the services are based by human relationships quality. Johnson (2003) points the importance of the relationships between the client and social worker. The relationships motivate to solve the problem and to accept the help, give the feeling of safety. The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of the relationship between the social worker and the client in the intervention process.
The research showed that in nongovernmental organization the relationship with social worker becomes the base of client’s thinking, self-evaluation and emotional changes, and helps to sustain these changes in such way promoting the integration of individuals returning from imprisonment institutions. The social worker through the acceptance, exaltation of human value, support increases the client’s self-evaluation, motivation and develops internal client’s resources which help to grow as personality and integrate themselves to the society.


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