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Theoretical and practical aspects of social work with families


Institution of a family is in the process of transformation: more people live in an open cohabitation, the birth rate is decreasing, and the number of divorces is growing up. The number of multiproblem families, which lack appropriate relations inside them and with outside environment, is becoming bigger. Such families do not care about education of their children. It is not easy to perceive, to understand and to interpret a family. The difficulty of family cognition lies in the fact that there is no, and cannot be, a unanimous attitude towards family cognition because family relationships are not given beforehand, a family is not a static phenomenon, it is distinguished by development of inner relationships.
The article analyzes five theories which are most often used in family research: structuralfunctional, social exchange, symbolic interaction, developmental and ecological system theory. It is also stressed that work with a family has to have the goal which should be clear, understandable, and should correspond to family needs. Conscious understanding of the processes in a family makes work more effective. It is important to see a family as a structure in its life cycle.
A social worker is not a task performer but an activity organizer, helper supporter. He/she shows the direction but the goal has to be reached by the family itself. Social worker’s behavior (his/her skill to initiate relationship with a family, to apply social work methods) is important in the work with a family. It is essential to follow the principle of confidentiality and not to undertake the role of a judge.


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