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Students’ civic engagement at the Lithuanian university of educational sciences


Auhors of the article deal with the problem of youth civic activity both from the theoretical as well as from the practical perspectives at national and international levels. The major aim of the research is to investigate the civic activity/engagement of the students at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. These methods for collecting empirical data were used: questionaires, interviu, analyses of reflections. The analysis of academic literature has revealed that one of the key features of a civil society is youth activity/engagement. The system of measuring the indicators of civic activity/engagement created by scholars at the Civil Society Institute enables them to observe the changing level of civic participation, constantly determine and analyse the factors, indicators of youth activity and the prospects of its promotion. Students, especially those majoring in the field of teaching and education are key players in promoting democratic processes, as the result, their civic participation is particularly significant. The discourse of education shows that the motivation and skills of civic activity/engagement are developed as early as at the first stages of youth. As the result, one of the key priorities in education is the development of youth civic participation. The data of the empirical study have revealed that students at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences are most interested in public affairs, however, they tend to display distrust in the information presented in the mass media. Students are aware of their civil power and they feel knowledgeable in university affairs, however, they engage more actively in public rather than university-related activities. Students see their personal future prospects in a positive light, i.e. they believe that the living conditions in Lithuania will improve and more than half of the respondents would not wish to move to another country.
Keywords: civil activeness, engagement, civil power, students.


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