The need for continuity of integration measures provided for single refugees in municipalities

If single refugees do not belong to any groups of vulnerable persons, the support for their integration in municipality of lasts 12 months. Afer this period, people begin an independent life in Lithuanian society. However, not all single refugees manage successfully to do this.
The aim of the research is to reveal the need for continuity of the integration measures provided for single refugees in municipalities. The qualitative research was made using semi-structured interviewing. The participants of the study are fve social workers, who work in non-governmental organizations and mentoring refugee integration processes in the municipalities.
The study results suggest that support period for integration in the municipality is too short. The needs of single foreigners are the least satisfed when learning Lithuanian language, trying to establish themselves in the labour market, gaining professional skills or acquiring qualifcation, and renting a place to live in. In these contexts, single refugees face discrimination, bullying, language barrier, ignorance and lack of information, experience fnancial difculties or even social exclusion. During integration, single refugees have the least difculties with the healthcare system. Such process and not satisfed psycho-emotional needs encourage the emigration of single refugees.
In order to successfully integrate people into Lithuanian society it is necessary to individualize the program, taking into account the particular experiences, abilities, needs of individuals as well as educating professionals of public services.
Keywords: refugee, foreigner granted asylum (FGA), FGA integration.