“When is a person changing?” Psychological and social perspective of prevention

In the article concept of “Prevention” is presented. Also its importance, solving Lithuanian public mental health problems. Authors presents the division of prevention, measure instruments and effectiveness indicators (like its durability, adaptation to a particular person or group; social and psychological skills of program manager to create warm and authoritybased relationships, ability to combine various preventive methods and to connect knowledge with interpersonal relationships and values). Three types of prevention programs are described: universal (for society as a whole, without distinction of any groups or individuals based on their problems); selective (for individuals or groups, with mental and behavioral health problems (risk group); and symptomatic (for persons, with strong mental and behavioral health problems). Answering the question: “When is a person changing in the prevention programs?”, there are presented importance of interpersonal relationships also as transfer of knowledge.
Keywords: prevention, psychological and social perspective of prevention, Lithuanian public mental health, effectiveness indicators of prevention programs.