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Domestic violence prevention practice in Lithuania and Norway


The article contains comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Norwegian experience in fighting the domestic violence. It describes tools and measures used in the Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdomof Norway to prevent domestic violence and examines the experience of both countries in fighting against the domestic violence. Both Lithuanian and Norwegian
legislation, although prepared in different time, provide protection from domestic violence both in the Criminal Codes of the countries and additional regulations on the prevention of this phenomenon.
Lithuanian Criminal Code does not contain a separate criminal offense related to the domestic violence. Any kind of domestic violence is subject to criminal liability that is indicated in separate articles according to the nature of the offense during which intentional physical, mental, sexual, economic or any other type of effect was used and as a result of which a person experienced physical, material or non- pecuniary damage.
Meanwhile, the Norwegian Criminal Code provides for a specific crime, established in the Article 219 of Norwegian Criminal Code, which provides for criminal liability for a long-term harrasement of relatives.
However, there is no need for a separate provision in the Criminal Code to observe the phenomenon of domestic violence in general.
Keywords: domestic violence, perpetrator, victim of domestic violence, police officers.


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