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Supervision in the social work studies as a rehearsal for professional life


In this article, the authentic process of supervision in the graduate social work studies is analysed through a qualitative research. The supervision in this research is interpreted as a rehearsal for professional life. The analysis of the supervision discloses that the dynamic process between a supervised person, group interrelations, and a group as a whole is a complex matter which is influenced by physical, psychological, interpersonal, and cultural contexts. With regard to individual cases of the supervised, the supervision may be interpreted as multidimensional instrument making influence on the professional, relational, organisational, and field areas. As the reflective experiences of the research participants demonstrate, the interventions of supervisions when being focused on the process, structure, relations, and existentialistic levels of the analysed cases, have reinforced the professional identity of the supervised, and their understanding that many solutions may be found in invidious situations in social work. Creativity and creative thinking of the professional social workers are needed in those cases. Through supervision, the recognized personal and professional role in the system of interrelations allowed the research participants to recover the emotional balance, to change the behavioural patterns. and to make sense of the professional activities. Systemic influence of the supervision to the research participants is observed. The shared professional cases and reflective approach allowed empowering the research participants to broaden their professional competences. Considering the supervision a dialogic reflective method of consultation, it can be concluded that internal reflection in supervision favour an awareness on his/her own professional experience, while external reflexion favour an analysis of the relation with other persons making influence within interrelations. The research disclosed that active reflection and dialogical relation in supervision empower the students in social work for professional practice. Supervision in social work studies can be considered as a professional rehearsal when the supervised, having new experience through supervision, are minded to use it in real professional

Keywords: supervision, reflection, professional relationship, social work studies, social work


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