Social work

experience and methods

The mission and values of our journal are based on the social work concept defined by the International Federation of Social Workers. Social work is defined as a profession which promotes social changes, solves problems of human relations, empowers and emancipates human beings while strengthening their wellbeing.
Journal Social Work. Experience and Methods aims to consolidate professional identity of social work in the articles which professionally analyze social work experience and methods.
International Federation of Social Workers names social justice and human rights as the main values of social work. The mission of the journal is to consolidate these values in social work practice and theory. It is very important that articles published in this journal are based on the values of social justice and human rights.
The mission of journal Social Work. Experience and Methods is to look for solutions of social problems, to seek for understanding diversity of the society, to analyze good practices, to present methods of change, to develop empowering ideas of social action. This way journal is a constantly developing social work knowledge forum which promotes construction of social work profession identity and development of social welfare.


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