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Participative research in a school system: parents-professionals co-construction of knowledge


From November 2007 to 0ctober 2009, we conducted a participative research, the main goals of which were (a) to implement and perpetuate a program of cooperation between parents and professionals for at-risk children at school and (b) to develop, jointly with school teams, a plan to create communities of practice. In the French-speaking part of Belgium, around twenty schools took part in this "Program of parents and professionals cooperation for at-risk children" (PAPPER). We will first present our goals and the method used. Afterwards, we will discuss different things, such as the difficulties inherent to a participative research, the richness in co-constructing knowledge and ability in a community of practice, the empowerment of the various actors (teachers, professionals from the CPMS (guidance service), parents) and the product of this research: the " Catalogue of useful resources".


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