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Children’s alcoholism: causes, outcomes and prevention guidelines


Recently there are more and more cases when underage alcohol usage and serious problems connected with it are registered in Lithuania and all around the world. It is possible to distinguish many reasons why a child uses alcohol and it is impossible to point the one that could be the main and after removal of which we could fully solve or markedly reduce the problem analyzed. Usually there are many factors that act together and affect the problem. The alcohol affects a child's organism much more seriously that the adult's one, so it is obvious that the consequences of alcohol usage for a child are also much bigger: alcohol affects child's psyche, social life and organism so there are number of prevention means analysed in the article, that could help to avoid or at least reduce the problem of alcohol abuse. There are conclusions at the end of the article that a child is encouraged to start using alcohol by his/her personal features, environment, alcohol usage habits of parents, information presented in mass media and the common culture where the child lives. One of the main parts dealing with alcohol abuse problems is prevention, as it helps to deal with the problem while it is possible to avoid it. It is important for the prevention to involve all children (not only those that are in the risk groups). It is also important that all children's environment would act together unitedly: parents, school, authorities and even unacquainted people in the environment.


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