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Social partnership based on collaboration: theoretical assumptions for student’s practice organization


The purpose of the paper is to discuss the relevance of social partnership based on collaboration in the organization of social work studies. The first part of the paper discusses theoretical attitudes by emphasizing partnership as the opportunity and source of social work studies. Conceptual and theoretical social work problems are analyzed as they help to perceive the complexity of the social work.
The second part of the paper is intended to present the topics of social work changes in practice. During practice students experience real situations, which are often extreme for clients and also creates tension for the students. This is special learning environment, in which professional identity is developing. The dynamics of the changes creates the assumptions for life-long learning. The theoretical social work studies are "responsible" for the creation of these assumptions. In the sense of implementation of changes the learning of practitioners and their participation in the process of changing are essential. The changes make the collaboration important as social partnership realization method. Therefore observation of expression of social partnership in practice highlighted collaboration barriers created by different attitudes and different roles of the workers in organizations.
The third part of the article summarizes the discussion of social partnership in studies based on the collaboration; the directions of social work studies development are highlighted. The reflection of dual experience of interchange is emphasized: experience accumulated during collaboration between different institutions and between different social professions. The tendencies are emphasized which causes the changes in social work studies: the modern social professions are oriented towards active participation of the client and professional usually acts as enabler. These tendencies require the constant experimentation of the future professionals, thus using their knowledge and new information about the client. This highlights the importance of the reflect learning and necessity of professional language development.


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