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The assumptions of systematic content of the social work field placement


Social work field placement is essential unit in the social work studies at university. At Vytautas Magnus University, social work department there is established special group for organizing field placement for social work students, which aims that every student would have possibility to have individual process of experiential learning during the field placement. It is emphasized that in the learning process in the field for the future social worker it is particularly important to master practical knowledge through reflecting, conceptualizing and modifying facing the unexpected situations working with the client. There are important roles in the learning process during field placement together constructing the content: student, mentor, tutor and lecturers. The aim of the article is to disclose the peculiarities of content creation during field placement as experiential learning process.
During the field placement there is important active input of every partner in the creation of the content. Student in this process experiencing two stages of professional development: from unclear and unlimited client's situations, where social work has no comprehensive identity, to ability to tolerate paradoxical client's situation and social work clearer identity. The professionals in the agencies working as professional social workers, who are supporting students during field placement should perform mastery in their professional role, also be able to lead the student as inexperienced colleague through learning process. Tutor is promoting student's ability to reflect practice situations, implement theoretical knowledge attempting to explain real situations, and thus find certain tendencies in experience during the practice placement.


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