The process of entering into and developing relations with children who live in families at social risk. The experience of a trainee, a volunteer and a social worker
An article analyzes the process of entering into and developing relations with children who live in families at social risk. The experience of a trainee, a volunteer and a social worker of daytime child care center on the way to relation with children is explained. The meaning of individual's actions, activities, point of view, position and rules of organization to successful entering into relations with children is analyzed.
In nowadays society there are not a lot of people who have experience of being a volunteer, trainee and professional worker. The article presents person's unique experience of playing all these professional roles.
The main features of entering into relation with children who live in families at social risk are as follows: understanding individual situation of a child and family; setting intercommunication and interrelation limits; identifying and choosing speech; arranging activities responding to situation and needs of children. All these aspects are analyzed in the context of nongovernment organization and intercourses between staff.
The aim of the paper is to reveal peculiarities of how a volunteer, a trainee or a new social worker in daytime child care center enters into relation with children who live in families at social risk.