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The possibility of preserving the family: decision making within context of power relationship


According to Payne (1996), agencies, providing social services, are in the process of consistent alternation. These changes take place, in order to react to people demand on social services. The review of family example is the model of decision making over child’s future in the family, which came over from Great Britain. The review is attended by specialists of various areas. Because of interdisciplinary situation, the tension field occurs among providers of social services, because every of them comes to the review with his/her own purposes and functions. From the theoretical perspective powers are being described as the mean of individuals’ regulation. To manage means to model activity field of other individuals, to put it in other words, powers are proportion of strengths, when some strength dominates, and the others comply.
The purpose of the research is to disclose the links between power relationships and decision making in the review process of family case.
The following tasks of the work were raised in order to achieve the mentioned purpose:
1. To discuss political, juridical and theoretical aspects of powers relationships, while highlighting the context of decision making over family future in the context of review process.
2. To review institutional aspects of powers relationships, grounding competencies and roles of social worker in the review process of family case.
3. To disclose the links between power relationship and decisions over child’s future in the review process of family case.
The research is accomplished, using qualitative descriptive research method. The information for  this research was collected using semi structural interview. In order to process collected data, instrument of themes analysis was used. The research was attended by 11 respondents. The results of research: Paternalistic model showed up during the research, determines the fact that social worker loses the role and status of enabler and becomes inflexible and unmotivated executive of state rules, punishing those, who behave wrongly. Social worker is competent to recognize and to select roles; however, he is restricted by powers relationships. Objective context shows that preconditions to appear for powers relationships are under physical conditions of review of family case.
Decisions are made during collaboration, but that collaboration is conditioned by powers relationships.


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