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Efficiency of hippotherapy for the physically disabled children coping with social isolation: parents’ perspective


Article examines hippotherapy as an alternative social work method that is effective in medical and social rehabilitation purposes. While assessing the physically disabled children the specialists recognize the insufficient quality of the assessment methods applied and the necessity to perfect the development of the rehabilitation programmes which should be directed towards the closest social environment of a child, assistance provided for a child in a family and its inclusion in child socialization process. The research confirms that hippotherapy helps to adjust not only to developmental problems, but also to foster the emotional development – a better sense of self-confidence and encourages interaction with his environment and thereby improve the child and the family's quality of life. Only when the customer's voice has the same value as an expert and a specialist's the problems may be fully solved. Hippotherapy effectiveness of the disclosure during the parents' attitude, on the one hand, their vision, experience, reflection, on the other hand, is an opportunity for introspection using this therapy for their child.
The survey results have disclosed that the parents' perspective of hippotherapy is efficient means at children socialization process, self-expression, and improvement of the physical and emotional condition. The parents estimate the alternative therapies treat as a possibility to satisfy the individual needs of a child form the social skills of children and the life quality of the family itself. The survey discloses the fact that social worker could help the parents and medical staff to "bring closer" the different approaches and experience that would enable the possibilities to develop the application of the alternative therapies.


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