Assessment of employee motivation in lithuanian social care institutions participating in the process of change

Problem. Employee motivation in the processes of change is identified as one of the most significant success factors in achieving results. Currently, institutional care services are being reorganized in Lithuania, therefore, it is important to assess the motivation of employees involved in this process. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the level of motivation to
participate in the process of change of the employees working in the social care institutions selected for the reform providing provide services to different target groups. The subjects. The research involves 1739 participants, including 270 direct employees’ managers. Methodology. The methodology for assessing motivation and competence of employees working in social care institutions (Socialinės globos įstaigose dirbančių darbuotojų motyvacijos ir kompetencijos vertinimo metodika (Griciūtė, Musteikienė & Senkevičiūtė, 2016)) was applied for the research. Results. The obtained results of the research show that most employees of social care institutions lack motivation to actively participate in the reform of institutional care. The results of the research also revealed that the average level of employee motivation dominates in all social care institutions, irrespective of the target group of their services (children left without parental care (including infants), children at risk and their families; disabled children and young people with intellectual and/or mental disabilities and their families, and disabled adults with intellectual and/or mental disabilities and their families).
Key words: social care institutions selected for the reform, motivation of employees to participate in the process of change, changes.