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Boundary crossing: a precondition for supervisory quality


The text of this article is based on, and fully reflects, a lecture delivered by the ANSE President Sijtze de Roos at the 20th anniversary special board meeting of HDSOR Croatia, Opatija, 15 March 2018. An abridged version appeared in Ajdukovic, Marina Supervizija za suvreme praksu – Knjiga saźetaka, Zagreb University (2018). In this article, the author argues why and how supervisory quality may be greatly enhanced by cross border exchange among the supervisors all over Europe. To that end, not only geographical borders should be crossed, but cultural and linguistic gaps just as well. This is more easily said than done, but the ANSE ECVision Glossary and Competence Framework may be helpful to bridge these gaps, opening opportunities to freely exchange professional experiences, study together, and engage in fundamental research in this way enhancing the quality of supervision in Europe.

Keywords: supervision practice, education for supervisors, cooperation in the context of supervision


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