Advanced search BACK TO TOP > „Social work: experience and methods“ 2012 Nr.9 (1) „Social work: experience and methods“ 2012 Nr.9 (1) Social work: experience and methods Nr. 9 CONTENT Biographical interviews and empowerment, from research to training in the field of social work by Yvette Molina Empowermentby doing biographical work and through biographical research by Natalija Mažeikienė Participative research in a school system: parents-professionals co-construction of knowledge by Stéphanie Frenkel Construction of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ motherhood during the study of critical reflection on experiences of social work with families at social risk by Rasa Naujanienė, Roberta Motiečienė Professional relations in the social work going on in long-lasting (sustainable) relations by Hervé Drouard “Empowered” homeless – the socially included homeless in the light of an analysis from the interactional perspective by Małgorzata Kostrzyńska* Knowledge of biographical experiences of the mentally ill and the quality of empowerment by Izabela Kamińska For better understanding and a better accompaniment of the teenagers pregnancies in guadeloupe by DaniÈle Bocquet Empowerment or power in social work towards the mentally ill persons? by Anna Jarkiewicz Research into social work in france : a collaborative initiative considered against referentials of competence an example : a study of scrap dealers in the ile-de-france region by Stéphane Rullac, Yvan Grimaldi, Pascale Chouatra Alexandria Book Library