Advanced search BACK TO TOP > „Social work: experience and methods“ 2013 Nr.12 (2) „Social work: experience and methods“ 2013 Nr.12 (2) CONTENT Concept of empowerment in the context of social services by Jonas Ruškus, Natalija Mažeikienė, Rasa Naujanienė, Roberta Motiečienė, Džiugas Dvarionas Resources for family care of an elderly relative suffering from senile dementia: the woman caregiver perspective by Živilė Lukošienė Experiences of men who are going through homelessness: cases of night shelters by Natalja Gončiarova, Violeta Ivanauskienė Correlation between academic achievements of adolescents from alcoholic families and their roles In the family by Indrė Legeckaitė, Ina Pilkauskienė Youth’s attitude towards the family as the presumption of generation solidarity consolidation by Elvyra Acienė, Ramutė Čepienė Creating the assumtions of intersectoral collabration model: opportunities and barriers working with families at social risk in the primary health care system by Jorūnė Vyšniauskytė-Rimkienė, Roberta Motiečienė, Laura Varžinskienė Alexandria Book Library