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Professional relations in the social work going on in long-lasting (sustainable) relations


In the participative practices of the professionals, I expose a participative research where the points of view and behaviors of the "social work beneficiaries", of the social workers and of the searchers are co-constructing and co-understanding each eathers.
How and why professional relation extend to friendly relationship? I postulate that this is a phenomenon which may exist in all the professions but I have just exposed here a little monography where the practician-searcher and his spouse (the two of them social workers but one is animator and the other family assistant) are involved in the studied cases.
In a methodological viewpoint, I started with H.J. Rodriguez-Tomé's approach about the "privileged and significative adults in the adolescence" and enlarged to the whole life.
Were summoned biographical elements and a mini interview poll (a dozen) with the object of appreciate the conditions of possibility of this phenomenon, to precise the types of "assistants and assisted", of institutions able to encourage it, of hidden logic ("empowerment" as acknowledgement of the other as equal in dignity, capacities, richness allowing the release of the relational dynamic, including the friendly relationship, one of the ideal human relationship) and the level of satisfaction of the involved actors.


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