Advanced search BACK TO TOP > „Social work: experience and methods“ 2010 Nr.6 (2) „Social work: experience and methods“ 2010 Nr.6 (2) Social work: experience and methods Nr. 6 CONTENT How to observe as a supervisor, and to engage in dialogue at the same time by Sijtze de Roos Concepts of supervision and coaching by Bernd Jansen Towards modernity in supervision by Wolfgang Weigand Social workers need for supervision: empirical justification and modeling by Nijolė Večkienė, Jonas Ruškus, Asta Kiaunytė, Indrė Dirgėlienė Social construction: discursive perspective towards supervision by Rasa Naujanienė Team supervision with professionals working in social care and treatment institutions by Carl Josef Leffers Supervision in children care institution by Violeta Ivanauskienė, Teresė Nijolė Liobikienė Supervision in social work: support providing collaboration by Nijolė Večkienė Questioning about loyalty during social work field practice: objective to supervision by Dalija Snieškienė Supervision in professional action by Laima Abromaitienė Supervision experience of social workers providing support to victims of human trafficking by Dalia Puidokienė, Asta Kiaunytė, Indrė Dirgėlienė Alexandria Book Library